Sunday, July 21, 2019

Making the Cut

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Cucco Attack LET'S PLAY - Super Mario Maker 2

-WARNING: The content in the following episode of Cucco Attack contains mild language / profanity.  Parental discretion is advised before viewing.

A new addition to the Cucco Attack podcast, we are introducing Let's Plays, offering live gameplay, commentary, and many a humorous banter to be had.  In this episode, we dive into the many facets of Super Mario Maker 2, as well as some great indies, Ape Out and Baba is You.  Feel free to leave a comment, have a laugh and enjoy listening!  And as always, happy gaming!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Bitter Pill to Swallow

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For those who've noticed the lack of blog posts as of late, my apologies.  Been busy with life and other events.  But rest assured more posts are still incoming, such as more comics and podcasts, and reviews for games like Super Mario Maker 2 and Astro Bot: Rescue Mission.  So stay tuned, catch up on some old posts you may have missed, get outside and enjoy some of that summer sunshine, and happy gaming!