Saturday, December 30, 2017

Doki Doki Literature Club Review

Genre: Visual Novel Game
Players: 1
Playtime: 3 Hours (Includes one play-through of reaching the game credits)

(NOTE: Content in this game is not recommended for all ages due to mature / disturbing themes and graphic imagery; Parental discretion is advised.)

After hearing a lot of buzz on various game media outlets about this unsuspecting game called Doki Doki Literature Club, I decided to give a go and see what all the hoopla was about.  What I found was a shockingly unnerving, compelling, and incredibly memorable experience.  For purposes of this review, I will do my best to stay vague and spoiler-free as the surprises to be found in this game are the best aspects, but are best kept secret for the unaware player to discover for themselves.  So if your curiosity too has been peaked, join the club as we pick away at the positive and negative readings of this fanatical game.

Compelling Narrative

At first glance, this appears to be your stereotypical, practically cliche anime visual novel game, where your character (whom I named Doki, because it seemed fitting) will attempt to win the heart of many infatuated female counterparts in the newly formed Literature Club of your high school.  As players begin to befriend each of the characters and exchange poetry, you may begin to notice subtle dark undertones amidst the context of the writing.  Though somewhat disconcerting, you play along innocently enough and continue to see how the story will unfold.  As it turns out, this all plays as a lengthy, but necessary exposition as a pivotal moment in story will take things for an unexpected turn.

Meet the cast of characters who you will get to know on a surprisingly personal level.

Suddenly, your choices have an unrealized significance and dramatic impact.  You continue your play with a strange sense of familiarity and apprehensive curiosity, as events continue to unfold in unnerving ways.  For those who have the resolve to see things through to its conclusion, the many questionable turns in the game are put into a new light of context to tremendous effect.  It weaves together what is surreal and chilling narrative that won't soon be forgotten.

Unique Gameplay Moments

Though most of the game plays as a very straight-forward visual novel, there are a few moments in the game that offer unique gameplay mechanics.  One such moment in the game is a simple mini-game in which players will select 20 words to create a poem, of which each word corresponds to a particular love interest based on their preferred writing style / vocabulary.  Much like the narrative though, these seemingly simple gameplay mechanics work to set certain expectations, which when they later take surprising turns, prove to be uncanny and surreal moments to be remembered.  Granted, it's very easy to recognize these as simple tricks, but that doesn't lessen their impact of the effective mood and entrancing experience they help create.

You'll recognize which words impress who as their chibi counterparts jump for joy on the left.

Art Direction / Music

Credit must also be given to another essential component in setting the mood and expectations of this game, that being the art direction and music.  Everything is kept clean, bright, and happy, with beautifully detailed characters and environments.  Detail goes as far as even in varying handwriting styles for each of the character's poetry that you read.  The expected nature of this genre may make many of these details go unnoticed, but that just means it has successfully done its role into pulling you into this mindset of the genre, before it pulls the rug beneath your feet.

The music is equally chirpy and upbeat, providing an elegant melody that is incorporated into the many themes of the game.  This works to excellent effect in the later portions of the game in which the same melody can provide an entirely different tone and mood provided a different context and circumstances.  And as it would have it, even the ending credits theme leave a lasting impression, to which I am reminded to the likes of "Still Alive" from Portal.  Surprisingly exceptional work.


The price of a game doesn't define its quality, but it is worth noting if the value of such is marked considerably higher or lower than should be offered.  In this case, Doki Doki Literature Club can be played and experienced for free on Steam, which is a commendable act as this game may not resonate with all audiences due to some of its disturbing themes.  But for those who do connect with the game, they can show their support for the developers after the fact should they feel so charitable.

Lengthy Exposition

The biggest flaw to this game is that it may be too successful in perfectly capturing the visual novel, which can be plight with slow and somewhat dry gameplay in the eyes of many players.  Coupled with what is a lengthy exposition until the "good stuff" happens, it can be rather deterring for many, which is perfectly understandable considering this exposition as it stands is roughly 2/3 of the game.  This intro is certainly needed to properly establish characters and expectations, but a shorter intro nonetheless may have greatly assisted in making this game accessible for players.  Either that, or some added variety in gameplay mechanics so that the intro was not so simplistic.

The dark and mature themes of this game may also ward off players from reaching the enlightening conclusion, but I don't see much wiggle room around this as it does prove more imperative to the overall narrative.  Perhaps it was for this reason that they saw little reason to compromise on the delivery of their exposition, considering the unsettling themes of this game coupled with its niche genre would already create a small audience.  Either way though, the bit of drag on this intro puts a wrinkle on what is otherwise a near flawless delivery.

This spoiler-free review proved to be more challenging than anticipated, but hopefully I was able to convey a clear idea of this game without divulging too much information to ruin any surprises to be found.  For those who have a tolerance for visual novel, anime tropes and perturbing themes / imagery, this is a game that excels on almost every front in delivering a most gripping, clever, and unnerving tale.

If you have any questions or thoughts about this game, please feel free to comment and discuss below.  Thanks.  And happy gaming!

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