Saturday, December 23, 2017

Year In Review - Top 5 Games of the Year (2017)

With the end of 2017 comes time to catch up on games and reflect back on what this year in gaming brought us.  So if you're feeling equally nostalgic or looking for the best games to enjoy over your holiday break, look no further as we break down my Top 5 games of 2017, among other recognition to be had.  Note for this first category, there is only so much time and funds one can afford to spend in a world of so many great games, from the slew of small indie titles to the abundance of massive open-world adventures.  As such, the games selected in this category are only games in which I've played through in full / majority of completion, and were released in 2017.

Top 5 Games of the Year - 2017

-1- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Aspiring to take the Zelda series back to its roots of open-world, non-linear exploration, Breath of the Wild took bold risks in changing its mechanics and staple formulas.  The result was a profound and refreshing experience that will stand as a defining entry for generations to come.  While it has its share of imperfections and debatable design choices, the massive scale and wonder to be found in this game substantially rise above these flaws.  For more extensive detail on this exploratory marvel of a game, read the full review here.

-2- Super Mario Odyssey

Another series looking to go back to its roots, Super Mario Odyssey set out with the goal of recapturing the magic of open-world 3D platforming such as found in Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine.  But this game does more than capture its roots, but literally capture our imaginations as we possess most every conceivable enemy and object in the game.  Never before has a Mario game felt so creative and fluid to play.  And much like Breath of the Wild, every world is crammed full of secrets and surprises to be found.  There is nary an inch of wasted space to be had.  Click here for more detail on this Italian hero's return to glory.

-3- Little Nightmares

While a short and sweet experience, there is nothing sweet to be found aboard the dark and moaning halls of Little Nightmares.  This is a game that delivers an abundance of chilling ambience and a simple, but satisfying twisted tale.  The iconic imagery of this game will stay with you long after its conclusion.  For more detail on this little horror, read the full review here.

-4- Metroid: Samus Returns

A new and proper 2D Metroid game has been a long time coming.  And when it did come in the form of a re-imagining of the Game Boy classic, it not only stuck the landing, but exceeded in many ways.  With a new innovative combat system and plenty of style to spare, Metroid: Samus Returns marks a triumphant return indeed for this esteemed bounty hunter.  See the full review here for more detail on this galactic adventure.

-5- Cuphead

Cuphead is a love letter to the cartoon styling of 1930's animation and the surreal, sometimes horrifying qualities such contains.  It's also a tough as nails, unforgiving run and gun game that will take what should be a 2-minute boss fight, and turn such into a 30-minute or more ordeal as you repeat again and again numerous failed attempts.  Through it all though, it remains just as captivating to watch and uncover new surprises, be it in the busy art and animation or new and unexpected boss moves revealed.  I have no review for this game yet as I am currently 75% of the way through the game, playing co-op with a friend, but know with this much played, it more than deserves a place on this game of the year list.  Development for this game began 7 years ago back in 2010, and the love and care poured into such is abundantly clear because of such.  Look forward to a review of Cuphead here in the near future.

Honorable Mentions

In a year of so many great and deserving games, it was difficult to narrow it down to the five mentioned above.  As such, a few shout-outs for honorable mentions go to Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap for setting a new high standard for what is achievable in retro remakes.  And another honorable mention goes to the free to play Doki Doki Literature Club, for its fantastic display in subverting expectations both in genre and gameplay mechanics to tell a surreal, engaging, and down-right chilling narrative.  (NOTE: Parental discretion is advised for this game due to dark themes and graphic imagery)


This next category are for the many games I missed in 2017, but should not escape one's radar as we enter 2018.  From all I've seen and heard of these games, they had the same potential to be some of my favorite games this year, had I the time / resources to play them all.  As such, they deserve equal shout-outs and my full attention at some point in the new year; These are my Top 5 Follow-Ups:

Top 5 Follow-Ups - 2017

-1- Yooka-Laylee

The prospect of a reunion of the great minds of Rare designers coming together to make a new game in the spirit of their own beloved Banjo-Kazooie is more than pure exhilaration.  The only thing that could be better is playing this on a Nintendo console like days of old.  Turns out patience was a virtue in this instance, as the recent release of Yooka-Laylee on the Nintendo Switch this past December 14th looks to be not only a good port of the game, but perhaps the best version to be found on any system.  So if you're a fan of mumbling gibberish for character dialogue and love to run around and collect things, this looks to be a game of deserving notice.

-2- A Hat in Time

If you can't get enough of 3D collectathon platforming goodness, then lucky for you 2017 looks to be a celebration of this oldie, but goodie genre.  Released on PC on October 5th, and PS4 / XBox early December, A Hat in Time is a charming 3D platformer that offers a unique adventure, while also paying homage to those games that inspired it such as Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario Sunshine.  Such has no planned release for the Nintendo Switch as of yet, but the creators do have the Switch development kit as of now, so perhaps there is hope for such hitting a familiar home of this genre come next year.

-3- Rime

Rime is another game that looks to have had many inspirations contribute to its design and game direction.  From games like Wind Waker, Ico, and Journey, you can see the many influences at work in this game as you take control of a castaway boy exploring a mysterious island.  Unlike the case that was Yooka-Laylee, Rime looks to have had a less than optimal port to the Nintendo Switch sadly.  As such, I would recommend if interested in this narrative adventure, purchasing such on PS4 / XBox at what will likely be a much more affordable price at this point.

-4- Hob

For those looking for more games in the vain of top-down Zelda adventures, Hob fits the bill and delivers a unique aesthetic / flavor all its own.  This game looks to offer an immersive and impressive world to explore, as players must locate and literally piece together the environment around them.  Unfortunately, this was the last game released by Runic Games before they were shut down, so there will likely be no patches to what also seems to be a somewhat buggy game.  Still, a captivating and rich game that I'm inclined to explore at some point down the road.

-5- Hollow Knight

Craving more games of the Metroidvania genre?  Well your luck continues, as 2017 also saw the release of the Metroidvania-inspired game that is Hollow Knight.  Players take control of a little Knight as they explore the deep, underground depths of the insect kingdom, Hallownest.  The combat looks to be close and fast-paced, with a slew of power-ups that aid both in combat and traversal, as is traditional of this genre.  And for those who can't get enough of the Nintendo Switch, Hallow Knight is slated to release on such February 24th, 2018.


2017 has also been an exceptional year for musical scores in video games.  So I'd be amiss if not to acknowledge and highlight some of the many phenomenal soundtracks composed for games this year. (See also links below for music whose tracks are purchasable to support these talented artists)

Top 5 Soundtracks - 2017

-1- Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey stands out as having one of the most diverse and catchy soundtracks of this year and its entire series.  From the sweeping orchestral suites akin to that of Super Mario Galaxy to the funky bass of the Wooded Kingdom, this game's soundtrack makes each world feel unique and fresh.  And the two lyrical songs that accompany this game are so darn catchy, you'll find it difficult not to sing along as they get stuck in your head for days to come.

-2- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

While a large majority of Breath of the Wild is filled with quiet tranquility and gentle ambience due to its large open world, this game still contains moments of brilliance in its sound design and soundtrack.  And the rarity of these musical scores only adds to their effect in creating memorable moments in certain locations / events of importance.  From the fantastical majesty of riding one's horse to the mysterious overtones of exploring a perplexing ruins, the soundtrack of this game beautifully capture the legendary world of Zelda.

-3- Cuphead

Just as Cuphead perfectly captured the art and animation of 1930's cartoons, it too held nothing back in capturing the same magnificence that is 1930's jazz.  The studio even went as far as to keep the recording process of the time period as if the team were developing in that era.  The result is a fervent and energetic soundtrack like no other.

-4- ARMS

The longevity of ARMS's gameplay may reach shorter than their extendable limbs would have hoped for, but its soundtrack is nothing short of brilliance.  There is such soul and energy to be found in every track of this game, perfectly blending into the game's many characters and aggressive bouts.  And the cultural influences that are worked into this game are incredibly fascinating as well, borrowing from many regions and traditions to create a diverse and unique sound all its own.  For a deeper look into the sound design of ARMS, I highly recommend checking out Scruffy's analysis on such here.

-5- Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Curse

The soundtrack to the original Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap on the Master System already had a certain degree of whimsical charm to it.  But the fine folks at Lizardcube and DotEmu weren't just content with a simple recreation of the music for this ambitious remake.  No, rather this music has been completely re-imagined giving it more breath and personality than ever before, while still retaining that original charm.  The soundtrack includes elements from several musical cultures such as classical, tango, Middle-Eastern and Japanese music, which creates an all together fantastical and adventurous mood for this gorgeous journey.


So there you have - an abundance of quality games and soundtracks gifted to us this year.  How does my list compare with your own?  Any games or soundtracks I missed that I should keep an eye out in the year to come?  Be sure to share and discuss your favorites in the comments below.  Otherwise, here's to a happy holiday and great year enjoyed.  Cheers and happy gaming!

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