Thursday, July 6, 2017

Throwback Thursday - Civilization V

Welcome to another Throwback Thursday, our weekly look into my Top 100 games and general nostalgia.  Entering the fray this week: The game of discovering new lands and troops to command that is Civilization V.

Released in the US on September 21st, 2010, Civilization V is as you may denote the fifth main entry of the long running Civilization series all the way back from 1991.  It carries over the major gameplay elements that make up a 4X videogame, one which you eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate rival civilizations.  New to this entry though was the use of hex-based tiles instead of square-tiles for the world map.  This had huge implications in allowing for more variation and choices in how to explore and combat enemy troops.  As such, military units were also no longer able to be stacked, requiring more strategy and management skills to effectively make use of your armies.  Elements such as religion and espionage were removed to make for a more streamlined experience, though were brought back in later expansions.  And there is nothing quite as inspiring than listening to famous quotations narrated by William Morgan Sheppard.

City states are another new inclusion to this entry, which introduce additional non-major AI characters in which the player can interact with, be it through trading, attacking, or diplomatic means.  What makes the Civilization series stand out in the world of strategy and 4X games is the amount of variety and freedom in which one can choose how to play these games.  If you prefer to command and conquer, or build a metropolis of science and wonders, you are given the means to pursue these paths and win the game through these means.  Of course, one cannot completely ignore their military or city infrastructures without suffering some consequences during the game, but there are so many choices and options in which to approach everything in this game, there never seems to be a wrong answer.  With so many decisions constantly being formulated, new regions waiting to be explored, and new technologies opening up doors to new possibilities, Civilization V is a game that can be enjoyed for hours upon hours.  It's the game you'll continually say "one more turn", which was more than a good number of turns already passed.


Fun Fact: Gandhi is infamously known for being a peaceful leader in the Civilization series, that is until the nukes are discovered, in which case he then becomes a real jerk.  Why is this?  Back in the original Civilization, Gandhi was set to the lowest possible aggression rating.  However, due to a bug, when players adopt democracy and reduce aggression levels by 2, Gandhi wouldn't go into the negatives, but instead looped back around to the highest aggression level possible.  While this could easily be fixed now, this quirk has been kept throughout the series as an inside joke.

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