Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tabletop Tuesday - Boss Monster: Tools of Hero Kind

Welcome to another horrific edition of Tabletop Tuesday - Your weekly exploration into games of dice, cards, luck and more of the Tabletop world.

This week's ghoulish game...the expansion to the dungeon building card game, Boss Monster: Tools of Hero Kind.

(Note: Boss Monster or Boss Monster 2 is required to play this expansion.  Click here to learn more about the base game.)

Players: 2-4
Time: 20-40 minutes
Genre: Strategy Card Game

Boss Monster is a unique card game which cleverly turns the tables having players play the roles of the bosses, attempting to lure in heroes and collect their souls.  This is accomplished by building fiendish dungeons filled with enticing treasures to the right hero archetype.  While heroes prove threatening in the early game as dungeons are still being built up, they typically turn harmless as players compete for their attention in the end game.  This expansion, which adds the likes of new bosses, spells, and dungeon rooms, also adds one fantastic new mechanic that makes for a much more compelling game throughout the entire course: Items.

A look at some of the item cards found in the Boss Monster: Tools of Hero Kind expansion.

As heroes gather in the town, they may acquire items which give them unique buffs and abilities to traverse dungeons and prove more threatening adversaries.  However, defeat the toughened hero and you may gather their item for useful abilities yourself.  It adds an interesting dynamic in which players must carefully consider their actions consistently: Should they try to drive danger towards their opponents?  Or try to reap the rewards themselves?  Is it worth taking a hit in luring a dangerous hero so that another player doesn't get the item?  And as was the case with the base game, this expansion continues the fantastic humor and charm of classic gaming and other nerdy references.  I recommend this expansion for those looking for more decision-making strategy and some welcome variety to this retro-inspired card game.

If you have any questions about this Boss Monster expansion, be sure to ask in the comments.  Otherwise, look forward to hearing about more expansions and other games in future installments of Tabletop Tuesday!

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