Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tabletop Tuesday - Top 5 Party Games

If you're planning on hosting or attending any large parties / end-of-summer bashes, odds are you may have quite a diverse gaming preference among such a wide gathering.  Between different ages, skill levels, and familiarity, there are many factors to consider to find a game that can appease the likes of a lively party.  While there are many a great social and party game to be found, I've decided to highlight the below games as they work well for most any number of player, are easy to learn, do not force what is sometimes an unbalanced nature of teams, keep players involved at all times, and have a great deal of replay-ability.  These are my Top 5 Recommendations for Party Games:

-1- Liar's Dice

If you have a handful of dice and stack-full of plastic cups, you're set and ready to captivate a party with a rousing game of Liar's Dice.  This is a game of luck, probability, and deception that anyone is capable of playing and picking up on quickly.  The suspense as bets are slowly and dramatically raised around the table until one player finally calls liar, leading to the climatic reveal of all the dice and final verdict of the bet is a continual thrill for players and bystanders alike.  That, and the loud rattle of the dice also help to draw in attention.  To learn more details on this game and how to play, click here.

-2- Telestrations

As the name suggests, Telestrations is a bit of a hybrid between Pictionary and Telephone.  Although there are means in which to keep "score" in this game, such tends to be ignored by the loose and silly spirit of this game.  It's the perfect game to not take seriously and just enjoy many a good laugh from the ensuing hilarity.  And should your audience happen to be adults only, Telestrations: After Dark is another version of this game for more delightfully absurd results that make a superb fit for this game of deciphering questionable illustrations.  To learn more about this chuckle-inducing game (made for 4-8 players), click here.

-3- Super Fight

Debates on hypothetical scenarios are a natural tendency among many a conversation.  Super Fight serves as a platform in which to debate such assorted characters with random abilities to often hilarious results.  It's a fun springboard that can lead to many a fun discussion and keeps everyone else involved as they ultimately judge the winner of each super-induced bout.  Click here to learn more about this super game.

-4- Resistance

Similar to games like Mafia or One Night Ultimate Werewolf, the game of Resistance is one which involves hidden roles, deduction, and loads of suspicion.  Debates on who to select / not select on missions are sure to get heated, so make sure you're on good terms with everyone.  Come the end of the game though, it's always a thrill to see who the spies end up being, making for a very memorable experience.  And the bigger the party, the more interesting things get.  To learn more about this little complex gem of a game (designed for 5-10 players), click here.

-5- A Fake Artist Goes to New York

Probably the most obscure game on this list, A Fake Artist Goes to New York is essentially a very asymmetric game of Pictionary combined with hidden topics / roles.  With a randomly selected and unknown Fake Artist, this game presents an interesting mix of collaboration towards a shared illustration and constant scrutiny over who the fake could be.  This intriguing duality keeps every player invested and interested, and the ensuing nonsense of doodles also make it an enjoyably laugh-inducing experience as well.  This game is made better if you should happen to have access to a whiteboard or large notepad with various marker colors.  Click here to learn more about this peculiar little game (made for 5-10 players).


Hopefully the games listed here are sure to make your social gatherings a sure-fired hit!  Any other social / party games worthy of mention on this list?  Be sure to share and discuss in the comments below.  Otherwise, enjoy the party.  And happy gaming!

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