Saturday, September 1, 2018

Tips for Hollow Knight - Tricks and Secrets

As you may know from either your own play experience or reading the many glowing remarks in my recent review of Hollow Knight, the kingdom of Hallownest is a staggeringly large world to be explored, teeming with secrets and at times considerable challenges at every corner.  For those checking out the last release of free DLC, Godmaster, or who have recently picked up the game as it was just on sale last week, discoveries continue to be found by veteran and new players alike.  So I thought it would be a fun excuse to further highlight some of the many secrets found in this incredible game, while also sharing some tricks to help players persevere through its formidable halls.  For purposes of upholding the joy of uncovering some of these secrets, I will keep this relatively spoiler-free and light on some of the details, providing links to which you can further look into particular topics if desired.  With that said, let us dive into the many considered nuances of Hollow Knight:

Ignoring the Elderbug

As you enter the starting village of Dirtmouth, you'll see the first friendly NPC (non-playable character) in which you can interact with; Also the only current resident of this deserted, desolate town.  Naturally, you'll want to talk to this lonesome, kind face.  But if you should instead ignore him and just continue walking, you'll be treated to a little animation of him hesitantly holding out his hand as if to say, wait, come back.  Go back and talk to him, and he'll rejoice at your return, remarking "You walked straight past me, I thought maybe I'd faded away along with this town."  How heart-wrenching and endearing.  I imagine this was added just to give a little pain and heartache for every speed-runner out there that walks past this poor old bug.

For a closer look -


As you unearth and obtain the many various charms to be found in this game, you'll find that each charm comes with an associated cost to equip, and that there are never quite enough slots to equip all the desired charms.  Try to equip a charm without the allotted amount of slots needed, and it will bounce back in rejection.  However, should you be so stubborn as to keep trying to equip the charm again and again and again, eventually the charm will equip in a flurry of purple, rushing animation.  This secret mechanic is referred to as being Overcharmed: It allows that extra bit of charm slots needed to equip just a little more, but beware!  It comes with a price.  As long as you are Overcharmed, your character receives double the damage.  A dangerous, but useful tool for those confident enough to brave the risks.

With great power comes great risk.

Meet Myla

Most every character in the world of Hallownest has a compelling and captivating story to be told.  For one such character though, there is a chance players may miss such if they should fail to come across this character throughout their developing narrative.  If players should head right of the crossroads early in the game, just before the mines they'll come across a happily humming mining bug by the name of Myla.  If interested in seeing this particular character's story unfold, make sure to check back in on Myla periodically throughout the course of the game as you witness a slow and emotional transformation.

Oh Myla...

The Dynamic Dreamnail

A bit further in the game, players will acquire a curious new tool referred to as the Dreamnail.  With this, players can strike glowing trees to collect dream essence, challenge mournful spirits of warriors, as well as enter secret realms hidden by sparkling veils.  But the Dreamnail holds some additional hidden functions that are easy to overlook.  Every enemy and NPC in the game can be struck with the Dreamnail to hear their inner thoughts / desires, often more than once, providing players with all sorts of additional nuggets of character development and bits of lore.  Even certain landmarks and pieces of the terrain can be struck with the Dreamnail to provide further insights or trigger key events.  So don't forget this unassuming tool carries a wealth of potential usefulness.

Divine Upgrades

As part of the Grimm Troupe DLC, players may eventually come across a peculiar character known as Divine.  By the latter half of the game, you'll find you have more Geo (the currency of the game) than you know what to do with.  Fortunately, Divine provides an answer to such by offering upgrades to certain charms at a rather steep cost.  Just be careful, depending on the ending you should choose for this particular quest of the Grimm Troupe, you may lose the opportunity to obtain these handy charm improvements if you don't first finish your business with Divine first.

The process may be a little, off-putting, but the reward is worth it.

Consider Choices

As noted above, there are various moments in the game in which you must choose a particular outcome.  There is no undoing these choices, less you were to start a new game.  While most don't have too much of an impact on the game (aside your emotions), there are some worth mentioning.  One is the aforementioned Grimm Troupe quest.  The two possible paths lead to two very different charms in which the other will never be obtainable (and one path leads to a unique boss fight as well).  Another key choice to be found in the game revolves around the struggling and proud Zote (the Mighty).  Should players see this feeble character struggling to survive an attack from a Vengefly King and then choose to ignore / not save Zote, well, that's a sad end for this sad "hero".  But bear in mind, if saved, there is much more humor to be enjoyed from this character, as well as a humorous (and challenging) hidden boss fight.

The Elusive Menderbug

So much of the terrain and signs of the Hallownest are designed to be destructible as you merrily flail your nail to and fro without a care.  Ever wonder then how it is that those signs are later repaired when you return to your previous path of destruction?  Well, the designers sure did and the Menderbug is the answer to that very question.  If players want to witness this little bug, they must destroy the very first sign found the Forgotten Crossroads, go back to the surface of Dirtmouth, and then immediately make a desolate dive back down the well.  Doing so may provide a glimpse at the happy repair-bug just before you cause an unfortunate and untimely end for it.  Should you then want to still learn more of this now deceased Menderbug, his little abode is now open in the village of the Forgotten Crossroads to which players can pry further.  Or pay their respects.  You monster.

For more guidance -

The Dung Defender's Den

After the defeating the Dung Defender, there's a hidden room that can be found if you dive down below where the water valve tank is located.  Here you'll find some intricate statues considering their, um, material, as well as a hidden boss battle for those who want a more difficult rematch with this dung master in his glory days.

For more guidance -

The Gift of Flowers

If you should meet the character known as the Grey Mourner, you'll receive a challenging quest to deliver a delicate flower to the grave of the Traitor's Child in the Queen's Gardens.  However, players can instead gift this flower to select other characters.  In fact, as of this latest Godmaster DLC, players can offer this flower to the Elderbug, Nailmaster Oro, the Godseeker, Eternal Emilitia, and the White Lady all for unique little conversations.  Also as part of this latest DLC, completing this quest will also spawn additional flowers at the Traitor's Child grave, allowing means to give everyone flowers should players be so inclined.


Surviving the White Palace

The area known as the White Palace offers one of the most brutal segments of platforming this game has to offer.  With loads of whirring saw blades, vines with sharp thorns, pointy spears and more, players are bound to take some hits with this sudden difficulty spike (pun not intended) in platforming prowess.  Fortunately, each mistake typically only costs one hit of damage and loads you to the nearest soft checkpoint.  As such, if you've managed to acquire the Hiveblood charm found in the hidden Hive area, you'll be able to clear the White Palace without fear of death given a reasonable amount of patience to wait and recover your damage from each mistake.

^^ You'll want this ^^

The Path of Pain

Inside the White Palace still lies another secret, optional area known as the Path of Pain.  Allow me to save you some of my own pain which involved 2 hours of grueling torment that only ended in failure and no checkpoint - This is not for the feint of heart or unprepared.  Your reward should you choose to accept this cruel challenge is a short animation and a few scattered secrets bits of lore to be found if you poke around.  To access this Path of Pain, players must break a seemingly sturdy wall left of the first buzz-saw room on the second floor of the White Castle.  Note the Hiveblood charm is less needed (though it doesn't hurt) for this ordeal as there are always hidden Soul Totems to be found, of which have infinite soul to disperse.  If you can make your way past the series of asinine platforming feats that require just absurd precision, be aware that you will be thrown into a sudden final fight to face 2 Kingsmoulds at once.  While getting hit with buzz-saws and spikes will reset you to the nearest soft checkpoint with one hit of damage, getting killed by these sudden foes will bring the stinging realization that there have been no benches during this entire Path of Pain, and that you will be forced to face this whole ordeal again.  Given the physical and mental strain it takes getting to this moment, you can imagine just how disadvantaged a position one can be in to suddenly be dropped into such a situation by surprise.  So take heed, and be prepared to fight for your life, or else cry your heart out.  Perhaps I'll try again someday once I've healed these emotional scars.

Update: Upon having the courage to give this a second attempt, I am happy to declare such achievable, and only taking 30 minutes this time.  Hopefully that offers some reassurance for those who have suffered similarly and have doubts on taking the mantle again.

For more guidance or a closer look -

The "Good" Ending

Once players break the seals of the Black Egg, they can technically beat the game and achieve what is considered the "bad" ending (though I consider it still a rather poetic and satisfying end).  However, if players wish to break the cycle of sorrow and achieve the "good" ending, players must obtain the Void Heart, which is formed after obtaining both halves of the Kingsoul charm and returning to the "Birthplace".  With such, new circumstances arise when facing the final boss which lead to a true final fight worthy of a challenge.  Also, don't forget the above tip regarding the many uses of the Dreamnail.  It will be very essential for many aspects of obtaining this "good" ending.

For more guidance -

The Mysterious Mister Mushroom

After a certain point in the game, a mysterious mushroom will appear in 7 various locations around the kingdom of Hallownest.  Attempting to talk to him will result in a mess of confusing gibberish, that is unless you have a certain fungal charm equipped.  What's more interesting however is there is a mysterious tablet found at the far end of Kingdom's Edge, which is also only decipherable with this same charm.  This tablet gives the players a riddle in which it tasks players with figuring out the order to speak to this Mister Mushroom scattered about the 7 different locations.  Should players speak to Mister Mushroom in the correct order, a special and very odd cut scene featuring Mister Mushroom will play at the end of the game.

Well hello there Mister Mushroom.

A Hidden Thanks to the Backers

Found at the cemetery of the Resting Grounds resides a small alcove atop a waterfall.  This little Glade of Hope is seemingly void of any importance, but it actually holds a wicked secret.  Should players jump up to an almost unnoticeable ledge and swing their Dreamnail in the direction of the Moth statues, they will be transported to the Shrine of Believers.  This hidden realm contains rows and rows of statues and bits of dialog, all of which is from and for the wonderful Kickstarter backers who helped make this game possible.  What a neat and special way to incorporate such thanks into the game!

For more guidance or a closer look -

The Eternal Ordeal (And Most Glorious Title Screen)

As part of this newest Godmaster DLC, players can challenge every boss of the Hallownest in the Hall of Gods.  There is one boss in particular though that is quite hidden in these halls, requiring players to break a bit of the ceiling tucked away in the shadows.  Should players manage to locate this hidden room, they'll find none other but the pathetic hero of Zote the Mighty.  Here, players will challenge an endless wave of Zote, though he comes in many various forms now.  Defeat 57 or more Zote's, and players unlock a new title screen which depicts a statue of Zote while having the grizzled voice of Zote hum the main theme in beautiful, off-key and off-tempo form.  It has to be one of the most hilarious and satisfying rewards to be found.

For more guidance -

For the title screen -


Of course there are oh so many more tips and secrets that could still be discussed, but I'd better restrain myself to keep this post to a modest length.  If you have any particular nifty tricks or wild secrets not mentioned above, be sure to share in the comments below!  Thanks.  And happy adventuring!

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