Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tabletop Tuesday - Zombicide

It's October again, which means it's the time for many a variety of spooky and ominous games.  So join in as we explore an overlooked tabletop favorite saved for just such a creepy time as this...the joys of making noise that is Zombicide.

Players: 1-6
Time: 60-180 minutes
Genre: Cooperative

Zombicide is both a tense and silly depiction of your typical scenarios found in most any zombie flick, having groups of cliched characters go on missions to scavenge for materials, seek safety shelters, and escape undead ridden cities.  Each mission has a different difficulty rating, as well as varied objectives and layouts.  Players will then begin exploring their surroundings and killing off these infected terrors as they work towards their specific goal for the mission.  Loot and weapons help raise the odds when fighting against the growing hordes, and each zombie kill earns characters experience which gains new abilities.  But players must also be wary as this adrenaline rush of experience also increases the rate and threat of more zombies drawn to the board.  So every player is forced to keep pace less they become easy brain fodder for the undead.  And once the bigger and faster prey start spawning, the dread of becoming overridden feels all too real.

Much of the costs for this game goes towards the beautifully detailed and grotesque figures, though you may want to purchase extra zombie figure packs if you really want to simulate that World War Z zombie flood.

Another unique and interesting mechanic of this game is the rules that governs zombie movement.  Each character and most actions create noise, to which if not in sight, the zombies move to the largest / closest source of sound.  In some instances, if the zombies are unable to decide which direction to move because of two equally distanced means of reaching their destination, they split into two, creating an additional new foe to overcome.  Gross.  But because all information is available to the players how the zombies are expected to move, there is such an engaging and fervent determination in which to work together and find a solution to what sometimes feels like impossible odds.  With a wealth of varied expansions, missions and the customizing nature of this game, there is near endless gameplay to be found and enjoyed with this package.  I recommend this game for those who enjoy strategic thinking and handle well under stress.

If you have any questions about Zombicide, let me know in the comments.  Otherwise, stay alive!  And happy dice rolling.

Bonus: As mentioned above, see the following link for a plethora of FREE missions: https://zombicide.com/en/missions/

Also, see below for a template in which to create your own custom characters and maybe create your own zombie-filled adventures!  As an example, enjoy these custom character cards I've created for your use of taking the cast of Earthbound to fight against the spooky threats of Threed.  ;)

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