Thursday, February 8, 2018

Throwback Thursday - Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Welcome to another Throwback Thursday, our weekly look into my Top 100 games and general nostalgia.  Heading the expedition this week: The game of hidden treasures in miniature adventures that is Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker.

Release in the US on December 5th, 2014, Captain Toad is a unique action-puzzle game that found its humble beginnings as a mini-game in Super Mario 3D World.  The concept is simple, in which this aspiring, treasure-hunting explorer of a Toad must navigate little dioramas full of puzzles and traps to acquire Power Stars among other valuables.  The catch is Toad can't jump, so players must keenly rotate and observe the many paths and means in which to travel around these clever bite-sized levels.  This lack of mobility works brilliantly in not only making for some thought provoking scenarios, but encourages players to get up close and personal with every set and notice the abundance of charming detail and beauty to behold.  And there are so many nostalgic nods to the Mario series to be enjoyed, especially to that of the black sheep of the series that is Super Mario Bros 2.

There's really not much more to say about this game.  It's an accessible, crafty, and downright endearing little adventure.  The only fault of the game is that this adorable adventure is over all too soon.  But with additional challenges to be found in every stage and bonus challenge stages post-game, there's a little extra bit still to be enjoyed for those facing Toad-withdrawal.  Since the Nintendo Switch has slowly been surely porting over many of the greats of the Wii-U, lets cross our fingers Captain Toad here is not left behind.  Otherwise, this gem of a game may be one of the best reasons to hold onto your Wii-U for those who have one.

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