Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Celebrating One Year of Blogging!

It's hard to believe, but Hughes3D - A Gaming Blog turns one year old today!  In this past year, there have been...

  • 53 Tabletop Tuesday posts
  • 50 Throwback Thursday posts
  • 51 Weekly Comics
  • 12 Game Reviews
  • 1 Tips & Tricks
  • 9 Top Five lists
  • 2 By Design discussions
  • 3 Impression posts
  • All for a Grand Total of 188 posts

It's been a joy and pleasure writing and discussing video games, board games, and more this past year, and I hope to continue to do so for some time to come still.  We still have our Top 50 games to discuss in continuing Throwback Thursdays, and many game reviews and design discussions to be posted soon (once life allows some more time to write these up).  I'd also like to offer a look into personal projects of art, animation, and game design in the year to come, so stay tuned for that as well.  With that said, if you have any suggestions for topics you'd like to see or anything mentioned above you'd like to see more of, be sure to let me know in the comments!  Thanks, and as always, happy gaming!

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