Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tabletop Tuesday - Super Fight

Welcome to another edition of Tabletop Tuesday - Your weekly exploration into games of dice, cards, luck and more of the Tabletop world.

This week's game...the game of absurd arguments that is Super Fight.

Players: 3+
Time: n/a
Genre: Party Game

Super Fight is a social card game in which players create super-powered heroes / villains and then debate why their hero would win in a fight against another player's character.  To do this, there are two decks of card types: Character cards and Power / Weakness cards.  Drawing three of each, players choose one character and one power that they believe will be best suited to win the fight.  Additionally, their character will get one power at random, which may benefit or hinder their character with often hilarious results.  No matter how one-sided a fight may seem though, players should offer their best arguments on why their character is the clear winner, because the other players will vote who they believe wins the fight based off your arguments.  If you've got a nerdy side and ever debated such related topics before, you'll know how passionate these discussions can get, even with the absurdity that some of these cards can contain.

You may have noticed that there's no time length noted in the above game summary.  That's because such will vary on you and your group of friends.  There's no limit on how long / short you can debate for.  There's no limit on how many points needed to win.  You could end up playing for 10-15 minutes, or 1-2 hours.  Rest assured though that no matter how long you play for, there are sure to be many good laughs.  And since you are either debating or listening to debates so you can vote, all players are  actively participating in this game which makes for an engaging and social party game.  There are also many variations on how to play, as well as expansions for additional themed cards (video games, anime, Walking Dead, etc.).  I recommend this game for those who enjoy silly and/or serious debating, and who are familiar with geeky pop culture.

If you have any questions about Super Fight, let me know in the comments.  Otherwise, look forward to future installments of Tabletop Tuesday!

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