Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tabletop Tuesday - SET

Welcome to another edition of Tabletop Tuesday - Your weekly exploration into games of dice, cards, luck and more of the Tabletop world.

This week's game...the game of patterns to fathom that is SET.

Players: 2+
Time: 15-30 minutes
Genre: Casual Family Game

In SET, players lay out a 12 card grid, each card containing a different icon(s).  These icons each have four different attributes: Shape (squiggle, oval, or diamond), Color (purple, green, or red), Quantity (one, two, or three icons), and Pattern (filled, empty, or striped).  The goal of the game is to find sets of three cards within the grid in which each attribute is all alike or all different.  To clarify, this means sets can be combinations of similarities and differences, such as three cards having the same Color and Shape, but where the three cards also all have a different Quantity and Pattern.  Some sets may be easier to identify than others, but other patterns may take a more accustomed mindset to identify through repeated play.  It's a fun and challenging mental race as players race to gather the most sets and prove that a set does exist in the grid despite moments where all will stare for minutes with no success.

How many sets do you see in the above example?

Admittedly, the odds of there not being a set in a 12-card grid is 30:1, falling to 14:1 as the game progresses.  If all players should agree that there is no set to be found though, three cards are added to the grid, making the odds of there being no set 88:1, and so forth if still needed.  SET is easy in concept, but can be difficult to grasp for new players.  But thanks to its quick pace of play, it's easy enough to pick up after a few rounds and is a wickedly addicting game to play just one more game.  I recommend this game for those who have quick reflexes and enjoy stretching those brain muscles.

If you have any questions about SET, be sure to ask in the comments.  Otherwise, look forward to future installments of Tabletop Tuesday!

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