Thursday, April 12, 2018

Throwback Thursday - Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Welcome to another Throwback Thursday, our weekly look into my Top 100 games and general nostalgia.  Answering the call this week: The game of heartfelt letters and the turmoils of battle that is Valiant Hearts: The Great War.

Released on June 24th, 2014, Valiant Hearts is a beautiful puzzle adventure developed by Ubisoft.  Utilizing their esteemed new 2.5D game engine UbiArt Framework, the game displays stunning 2D graphics to depict a stylish and moving story of freely inspired events unfolding on the Western front of World War I, between 1914 and 1918.  The plot follows the story of four characters whose roles weave in and out of each other's narratives.  A German boy, Karl, who is forcibly drafted into the German army.  His step-dad and Frenchman, Emile, who is also drafted into the French army.  An America soldier, Freddie, who volunteered to join the British army.  And a Belgian veterinary, Anna, who also serves as a battlefield nurse.  The journey that unfolds an inspiring and captivating adventure to behold.

There are so many creative puzzles to be found in this game and each little secret uncovered unlocks a new bit of informative history, which is surprisingly enjoyable to read and learn about.  Coupled with rich narration and a mesmerizing soundtrack, Valiant Hearts makes history a fun and engrossing affair.  Even more impressive is how conducive the gameplay is to enriching this experience.  The act of playing this game heightens the emotions felt in every act, especially for the incredibly moving conclusion, which is perhaps one of the most heartfelt endings in all of gaming media.  To lighten the mood at times, there are also sillier little segments, such as car chases orchestrated to well known classical works of music.  All in all, Valiant Hearts delivers an emotional and incredibly unique experience unlike most anything out there to be found in gaming.  Sadly this gorgeous game engine has seen little additional use since this game's release.  But let us hope the creative minds at Ubisoft can continue to surprise and delight the world with creative, tearful gems such as this.  Here's crossing my fingers to a E3 announcement of a new game utilizing that beautiful UbiArt Framework again.

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