Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year - Top 5 Anticipated Games of 2019

With the dawn of another new year before us, there is again a fervent energy and excitement over the pending prospects of what is to come in this expectant future.  While I typically recommend tempering one's expectations, let's go ahead and let loose for a moment to ignite our imaginations over the wonders of tomorrow.  Because let's be honest, 2019 is looking to be one of the most stacked game line-ups imaginable.  Here are my personal Top 5 Anticipated Games of 2019:

(Note: This only includes announced games with a set release date of 2019)

-1- Kingdom Hearts III

Because of a brief one month delay, Kingdom Hearts III cheats its way onto yet another Top Anticipated list, but that doesn't mean the anticipation to play this game has become any less.  Rather, with only a few short weeks to go, the excitement to dive into this thrilling conclusion is just about beyond compare.  With many more worlds revealed throughout 2018, such as Monsters Inc., Big Hero 6, Frozen and more, it seems there is a heavier focus on 3D animated Disney / Pixar movies this time around.  I suspect such was likely the case to boast the stunning quality of animation / rendering this game is now able to achieve, that being almost indistinguishable if not better than the original films.  Note I did not include any clips this time around as leaked copies of the game are out in the wild, so I advise to tread lightly in your searches should you want to keep this magical finale spoiler-free.  The wait is almost over.

-2- Animal Crossing (Switch)

After a tease / reveal of Isabelle joining the ranks of the Smash Bros. roster, fans were then thankfully assured that a new installment in the Animal Crossing series is due to hit the Nintendo Switch in 2019.  With the last core game in the series (Animal Crossing: New Leaf) released back in 2012, fans have been eagerly awaiting a return to true form for this series.  And as cliche as this sentiment has become, the Switch really does look to be the perfect home for this next installment.  This is a game meant to be played and enjoyed in real time, and that ideology is perfectly met thanks to the versatility of the Switch.  Be it sharing the experience on the TV or enjoying from the comfort of your bed, I can't wait to see what kind of fun new innovations are brought to this beloved, cozy little series.

-3- Wargroove

Since the reveal of Fire Emblem Three Houses, my anticipation, though still excited, has become more reserved from what was shown.  Whatever the case should turn out for that game though, there looks to still be plenty of tactical strategy love to be found in the upcoming Wargroove developed by Chucklefish.  In fact, the more that is revealed for this game, the greater my hype has become from the incredible polish and charm that is displayed.  This game is clearly a love letter to the likes of the Fire Emblem and Advanced Wars series, and all the more kudos for taking this strong foundation and making it their own.

-4- Pokemon (Switch)

While Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee provided a nice bridge for many new Pokemon players and a nostalgic taste for veterans alike, the notion for what a more core Pokemon experience will be like on the Nintendo Switch has set many fans' hearts aflutter with curious anticipation.  Having been a primarily handheld experience, it will certainly be interesting to see how the experience will be transferred to a console that is designed to be played both at home and on the go.  While the developers at Game Freak often seem to be taking very small, iterative changes with every coming generation of Pokemon, I have a feeling this next generation may be willing to take this series in some interesting, bold new directions.  Looking at Pokemon Sun & Moon and even these Let's Go games as evidence, they have demonstrated a willingness to try new mechanics such as non-traditional gyms and non-random Pokemon encounters.  Just as Zelda, Mario, and Mario Party have reexamined their roots to create fresh new experiences, so too do I believe we could see the same approach applied to this next Pokemon game for Switch.

-5- Luigi's Mansion 3

As seems to be Nintendo's trend in 2018 for teasing new games, Luigi's Mansion 3 was sneakily first hinted at in the Castlevania reveal trailer for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with Luigi's new Poltergust vacuum design, to which this new entry was confirmed in a later Nintendo Direct down the road.  I adore this series for its superb exaggerated animation style and compelling ghost busting gameplay.  What excites me at the prospect of this series hitting the Switch is not only what HD visuals can do to really accentuate this playfully spooky aesthetics, but also what HD Rumble can do to play up the feeling of using the Poltergust.  If you've tried the wickedly cool arcade version of Luigi's Mansion, you'll know just how satisfying it is to be holding a vacuum controller and feel every coin and ghost travel down the length of your tube as you suck them up.  Here's eagerly waiting to what other clever ideas to come up with for this happily haunting sequel.


So as you can well see from just this small sampling of upcoming games here, 2019 is surely poised to be quite the spectacle of a year in gaming.  Any games that you are eagerly awaiting not listed above?  Be sure to share and discuss your thoughts below.  And here's to the new year and many more creative and ambitious experiences to come.  Cheers!  And happy gaming.

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