Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tips for Code Names - Secrets to Success

Code Names is a popular party game that has broken its way into many a home, thanks in part to its ease of accessibility and multitude of various versions sure to appease any fan.  From Code Names Disney to Marvel, Harry Potter, and more, a game of Code Names is sure to be found on most game enthusiast's shelves these days.  While tactics and strategies are certain to vary depending on the specific crew of players that make one's team, there are some tips and tricks that can be generally applied across the board.  So if you're looking to give your team a leg up on the competition, see below for a few pointers in becoming an ace agent:

Keep Track of Remaining Agents

First off, it's important to note depending on who goes first / second, each team has a different total of agents to uncover.  As the team who goes first has the advantage of winning the game sooner, their goal to victory is 9 agents as opposed to 8 agents for the team that goes second.  It's important to keep tabs on the remaining agents throughout the game as it will often dictate how big of a clue you ought to be giving if you're to stay in the game.

Don't Fret Over Bystanders

Sometimes Spy Masters can become overcome trying to find that perfect clue which will link together your team's words, and only your team's words, that they'll go for smaller, safer clues.  While this offers secure progress, don't let the fear of hitting a bystander pass up opportunities for big scores.  Should your team accidentally guess a bystander, the penalty is only an early halt to your turn, but your team will have opportunity to make up lost ground on the next turn.  It's the opposing team's agents / assassin you want to avoid your team potentially guessing as that will more negatively affect your progress or lose you the game.

Let Your Opponents Work For You

If you're finding difficulty giving clues for certain words because they seem so closely related to that of your opponent's words, know that your rival is in the exact same situation.  As such, sometimes it's best to leave those words alone and let the other team deal with them.  In this way, they may accidentally stumble upon one of your agents for you or else play at a slower pace, allowing you the means to pull ahead.

Make Use of Extra Guesses

When giving clues, the number refers to the number of cards on the table that relate to the clue given, but players are allowed to guess one extra time beyond the number indicated.  These extra chances for guesses are perfect opportunities to make up ground if a previous turn ended early, be it because of an incorrect guess or your team just decided to stop guessing from uncertainty.  Don't squander this resource.

Zero / Infinity Rule

An often forgotten rule is the means to give zero or infinity as a number for your clue.  Zero may be given say you're trying to clue your team in as what not to pick, essentially saying "zero cards relate to this clue".  On the opposite spectrum, if your team needs a big haul to get back in the game, you might give infinity as their number, meaning they can guess to their heart's content, but won't have any indication how many cards relate to your given clue.  These special rules are typically very situational and difficult to use effectively, but good to know just in case.

Keep an Eye on the Endgame

Spy Masters have the means to keep tabs on remaining agents for both themselves and their opponent's team.  As the game approaches the final few agents, think not only of your game plan for piecing together your final clue(s), but how your opponent might do the same.  If you can see a clear path to victory for them, that should add some incentive to make a bolder move if needed.

Play to Your Team's Strengths

To truly find success in this game, you should try to get in the mindset of your teammates.  If teamed with friends or family, think of common experiences or interests in which to relate clues.  If teamed with strangers, still consider clues appropriate in regards to perhaps the age or gender of your teammates.  The more you can connect with the other players, the better you'll perform.

Be Bold and Have Fun

Last but not least, remember that Code Names is at heart a party game.  So let loose and dare to give some bold clues, as successful or not, those tend to be the most memorable moments in this game.  If everyone is in awe or having a good laugh, that's a win all around.


Hopefully these tips and tricks help turn your agent battles into more engaging and memorable affairs.  And if you have any extra tips or secret tactics of your own to share, be sure to post in the comments below!  Thanks.  And happy gaming!

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