Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day - Top 5 Local Co-Op Games

Be it because love is in the air or it's just plain cold out there, there's nothing quite as alluring as snuggling up on the couch and enjoying some quality game time with someone special in your life.  For those searching for such allusive, but delectable cooperative experiences, allow me to shine a light on a few such games the perfect likes to share together.  These are my Top 5 recommendations for Local Co-Op Gaming:

-1- Snipperclips

If you're looking for a unique puzzle game in which to work together, or often cause mischief and fits of giggles, look no further than Snipperclips for the Nintendo Switch.  This is a delightfully silly and creative game that requires true cooperation and communication to overcome the many variety of obstacles and challenges this game presents.  And as the game only requires a single joy-con controller per player, Switch owners are already equipped and ready to enjoy some two-player co-op fun right out the gate, though there are also 3-4 player modes to be had for those with extra joy-cons.

-2- Portal 2

How do you improve upon the fun that is playing with portals to pull off impossible stunts and solve mind-bending puzzles?  The answer: More portals, and a partner in crime to do so with.  Portal 2's co-op adventure has two players working together with four portals to solve all sorts of clever and complicated puzzles.  And the puzzles are very smartly designed, having players carefully consider when and how to chain together their portals to press forward.  There's also nothing more adorable than having the two of your robots initiate high-fives and games of rock-paper-scissors.

-3- Overcooked

Be warned - The following game is recommended for those with strong compatibility and who enjoy a guaranteed degree of chaos.  But for those who brave the kitchen fires, Overcooked serves up an abundance of fun together as you shout requests and commands to each other, trying to coordinate a cascade of orders.  There is immense satisfaction to be found mastering each new kitchen with their wild and creative gimmicks, and doing so be means of great teamwork.

-4- New Super Mario Bros. U

For those who love Mario and running through the Mushroom Kingdom, enjoy the likes together with New Super Mario Bros. U (or also New Super Mario Bros Wii or Super Mario 3D World).  The levels are well designed to provide plenty of onscreen fun and hi-jinks together, hopping on each other's heads and reaching for precarious collectibles.  And the 2D, simple platforming nature of this game make for an accessible and, pardon the pun, easy to jump into experience for players of all skill levels.

-5- Minit

Now wait a minute (pun intended), Minit is a single player game.  So why is this on the list of best local co-op games?  Because it secretly is such a shareable and engaging experience to be had among multiple players.  Given that each go in Minit only lasts one minute max, it offers the perfect setup in which to take turns between players.  Although that means only one player is technically playing at a time, the experience is actually more involved in this way as it allows opportunities back and forth to experiment and consider new ideas.  And there is so much humor to be found and shared as turns are cut short in such various amusing fashions, from cut-off dialogues to being feet away from tantalizing treasures.


There are many more great cooperative games that could be listed above, so if I neglected to mention one of your favorites, make sure to share in the comments below.  And whatever your plans this Valentine's Day and rest of winter may include, stay warm.  And happy gaming!

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