Thursday, February 21, 2019

Throwback Thursday Update

Welcome to another Throwback Thursday, which for the past 2 years has been your weekly destination for nostalgic looks into my Top 100 games.  Now that we've covered all 100 games on this list, you may be wondering what next lays in store for this particular blog segment.  For starters, our Top 100 list was previously determined for all games released prior to 2017, so some time will be spent reevaluating the list to include games released / played in the past two years.  Also, the act of closely analyzing and writing about each of these games across these many posts has given new perspectives on each game, to which the rankings of some games may be adjusted during this time.  So look forward to an update on such in the near future.

And although not every game necessarily can stand among what is my Top 100 games, there are still plenty of more great, nostalgic games deserving of time and recognition.  So look forward to more throwbacks still, though please understand they won't appear on as frequent a weekly basis.  Adjusting the frequency of these Throwback segments will allow more time to catch up in completing other posts, such as many pending reviews for Kingdom Hearts III, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and Astro Bots: Rescue Mission to name a few.  Also look forward to more game recommendations based off genres, consoles, and more, so still be sure to check in and stay tuned for more gaming discussions on a regular basis.

If you have any suggestions for topics you'd like to see in Throwback gaming or other general gaming, be sure to let me know in the comments.  Be sure to check the Throwback Thursday tab and catch up on any previously discussed games you may have missed.  And look forward to a hopefully greater wealth of gaming content to be found still, just with more unexpected timing and joyous surprise.  Thanks.  And happy gaming!

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