Thursday, May 16, 2019

One Month to E3 2019 - Top 5 Anticipations (And More!)

My how the time flies, because wouldn't you know it, E3 2019 is little less than a month away!  And while some publishers such as Sony are opting not to attend this year (an absence that will surely be felt), that doesn't mean there isn't still plenty to be excited for.  So let's take hold of this fervent anticipation and try to apply some considered thought as to what the best may be shown this E3.  These are my personal Top 5 Anticipations for E3 2019:

-1- Retro Studios (Likelihood - 90%)

It's hard to believe that come this E3 will mark what has been 6 years now since Retro's last presence when they debuted Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze back in 2013.  Either this next project has been very ambitious or there have been several bumps along the road of development that have slowed this down.  With Retro Studios now being handed Metroid Prime 4, it's clear where their focus will now instead lie, but were they far enough in development to release this other project?  A recent tweet from former Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Aime, would hint at yes.  A retirement gift from Retro Studios shows Reggie illustrated next to other iconic Nintendo characters developed by Retro.  However, there is an unidentified hand in the lower-left corner obscured by a conveniently placed Mario statue.  Furthermore, another Twitter conversation between an artist at Retro offers a coy wink at the image, indicating that yes, there is more to be revealed.  Last year there were many a rumor of a Star Fox racing game, in which ROB 64 might fit the profile below.  Or it could be an entirely new IP.  Whatever it may end up being, E3 2019 looks like the perfect time and place for Retro finally ready to show off this tantalizing new project.

See the little hand left of the Mario statue?  Way too strategically placed to be coincidence.  Something is brewing at Retro.

-2- Animal Crossing (Likelihood - 80%)

Animal Crossing for Switch was officially announced in a Nintendo Direct back in September 2018 and has since been very quiet on any additional details.  With that said, it's still said to be slated for 2019 according to recent Nintendo updates to their release schedule.  If such is the case, we can likely expect an in-depth look into this next entry at this year's E3.  Will it be as ambitious as the likes of Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Odyssey, willing to shake up the expected conventions of the series?  How gorgeous will it look being on its first HD system?  As both a home console and handheld device, the Switch seems the perfect home for this series that encourages the player to explore the world in real time.  And I just can't wait to see how this game adapts to its new space.

Animal Crossing as seen in glorious HD from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

-3- Smash DLC (Likelihood - 80%)

We never saw it coming when they announced that Joker from the Persona series would be joining the ranks of other fighting veterans in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.  Considering there are still 4 more DLC characters yet to be announced in this Smash Fighter's Pass and are all due to release by February 2020, Nintendo will need to pick up the pace in the announcements / releases of these DLC characters if they're to hit deadline.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if two characters were announced at E3, or if one was shadow-dropped and released that very day.  The question remains: Who's next?  Microsoft and Nintendo have been very friendly as of late, most recently with the release of Cuphead on Switch, so it wouldn't seem out of the realm of impossibility to see something akin to Halo's Master Chief, Minecraft, or my personal hopes, Banjo-Kazooie step into the ring.  Of course there are so many other rumors and possibilities, we could do another whole post on just such.  Let's just say for now, the wild potential of who could come is infectiously exciting.

Who's next to receive the coveted Smash invite?  Only time will tell.

Of course, as the recent Spring update demonstrated, new characters is not all the DLC Smash can offer.  There is also potential for Nintendo to outline or hint towards a Summer update, which could include more coveted modes and features.  A few might be the likes of Break the Targets or the ability to create custom Target stages in Stage Builder, or the return of Smash Run from 3DS, which offered players a maze-like labyrinth to run around in and beat up iconic Nintendo baddies.  Depending on the amount of content Nintendo has to run in their E3 Direct, this info may be saved for a later Smash-focused Direct though.

-4- Mother 3 (Likelihood - 50%)

It's the question fans and reporters alike would ask Reggie Fils-Aime year after year and somewhat of a bitter-sweet, running joke now: Where's Mother 3?  Released on the GBA in Japan back on April 20th, 2006, the western shores have eagerly been awaiting this final entry in the Mother series for 13 long years now.  Earthbound (aka Mother 2) has since become a cult classic and has slowly been fighting for more prevalence, most recently releasing on the SNES Classic in 2017.  So why now for Mother 3?  Put on your tin foil hats as I theorize why now holds the best odds in years for this game:

  • For starters, 2019 marks the 30th anniversary for the Mother series.  What better way to celebrate than the long awaited release of Mother 3.
  • There is speculation that Porky from the Mother series will be added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as his omission in any form is highly suspect.  As an important character not only in Earthbound, but also Mother 3, you'd think he'd at least be added as a spirit of some kind to collect in the game.  But even the "Safe Capsule" spirit which typically has Porky inside is instead shown as empty.
  • Speaking of Smash, just look at the loving detail that was added to Lucas' Final Smash (see below).  Oh how I wish to play this game.  Or maybe even a Mother trilogy rendered in this adorable fashion...okay, now I'm dreaming a little too far.

Lucas' Final Smash from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.  My heart is ready to play and love all these characters.

-5- New Zelda (Likelihood - 20%)

Aren't we already getting a Zelda game this year with the remake of Link's Awakening?  That is correct and the biggest obstacle in the announcement of a new Zelda.  But there have been instances before where multiple Zelda games were shown off at the same time.  And as Link's Awakening fills more of the top-down handheld void, a new 3D Zelda isn't out of the realm of impossibility.  Especially if they decide to reuse much of the engine and/or assets from Breath of the Wild.  Considering Majora's Mask was able to be developed and released with a similar mindset in less than 2 years.  As it has already been more than 2 years since the release of Breath of the Wild, whose to say a new Zelda couldn't be ready by 2020 with this approach?  And if so, why not give a tease of such at this E3?  Even the smallest of tastes would be the sweetest and most satisfying ways to conclude this expo of unrelenting love for games and epic adventures.

Concept art for Breath of the Wild.  Where will the next Zelda take inspiration from next?

Bonus - 5 More Anticipations

  1. Luigi's Mansion 3 - Little more than 30 seconds have been shown of this announced next entry in the series, and with a release date of 2019 still, it will most likely make a showing at this year's E3.  And I sincerely hope they show off use of the HD Rumble to simulate some satisfying ghost-sucking action.
  2. More Ubisoft-Nintendo? - The past two years, Nintendo and Ubisoft have shown considerable partnership with the usage of Nintendo property in unique and new Ubisoft games the likes of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle and Starlink: Battle for Atlas, which featured Star Fox.  And for the most part, both have been received with fairly positive reception with its Nintendo usage.  Will we thus be surprised with another new joint effort from these two developers?  There certainly is a fair chance, but I wouldn't put it against them if they needed a break before diving into more Nintendo property.
  3. Final Fantasy VII Remake - We've finally received another look at this highly anticipated remake in the recent PlayStation State of Play, and more information is promised in June.  So this is almost assuredly a shoe-in for this year's E3.  More than likely, we'll get our first look at Tifa and maybe even a release date for the first episode of this episodic remake.
  4. Metroid Prime Trilogy Collection - With the reset of Metroid Prime 4 still being very much early in development now, porting over the Metroid Prime Trilogy to the Switch would be the perfect means to bide some time until then.  After all, these are three pretty substantial games that would be best enjoyed paced out.  Don't make us wait for this inevitable release Nintendo.
  5. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC / Mario Kart 9 / Nintendo Kart? - Mario Kart Tour is to release this summer for mobile devices and serves as a liable means to promote the series on Switch like never before.  So it would make sense for more content to come along for the ride, though the question begs in what form.  Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still selling extremely well, so new DLC tracks wouldn't be out of the question.  But perhaps they'd prefer to jump into a brand new entry and if so, with their inclusion of more and more Nintendo property, it might take a whole new identity all its own.  Regardless of what route they choose, the desire remains the same.  We want more Mario Kart.


Of course there is plenty more to be potentially excited for with this coming E3.  So be sure to share your biggest anticipations for this year's E3 2019 in the comments below.  And look forward to more E3 posts and other game discussions to come.  Until then, all aboard the Hype Train once again!  And happy gaming.

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