Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tabletop Tuesday - Sushi Go!

Welcome to another edition of Tabletop Tuesday - Your exploration into games of dice, cards, luck and more of the Tabletop world.

Serving it up into the colorful arena of drafting games - The game of chopsticks and raw fish that is Sushi Go!

Players: 2-5
Time: 15-20 minutes
Genre: Casual Card Game

Sushi Go! is an adorable game of bright, smiling sushi and condiments, all wrapped around some deliciously simple, yet thought-provoking gameplay thanks in part to the popular mechanic that is card drafting (see 7 Wonders as another tabletop example that uses this mechanic).  Each player is given a hand of these colorful food items, to which they pick one and pass along the rest to the next player.  In this way, players must carefully consider not only what it is they want, but also what may also aid/hinder their opponent to which those cards are being passed.  It's also nice because it constantly keeps all players engaged at all times.

The colorful and charming art is half the appeal.  The easy, but considered gameplay keeps everyone playing.

Each of the rolls and assorted items in the game have different values and/or conditions for scoring.  Some require pairs to score, some only score for those who collect the most, while others score only come the end of the game.  As such, there isn't really a right or wrong strategy, but instead requires a keen awareness and ability to read the table in the moment.  After three rounds, players will add up their final tallies and declare a winner.  The short and simple nature of Sushi Go! makes the perfect game for quick and/or repeated plays.  I recommend this game for those who enjoy adorbs artwork and engaging gameplay.

If you have any questions about Sushi Go!, let me know in the comments below.  Otherwise, stay tuned to Hughes3D for more tabletop covers.  And happy gaming!

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