Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Smash Ultimate - Top *6* Fighter Pass 2 Predictions (& Mii Fighters)

There were a wide spectrum of emotions coupled with the final reveal and release of Byleth from Fire Emblem Three Houses as the final fighter for the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC Fighter Pass.  Some were overjoyed as this latest installment of Fire Emblem has proven an incredibly popular game for 2019.  Others were rather disappointed as such was an anti-climatic pick for a final character and reeked of marketing promotion.  Whatever your opinion, the internet is able to keep peace thanks to announcement of a second Fighter's Pass and with it, six more fighters in which to keep your hopes for that desired dream character alive.  And being unable to resist the urge to join the masses in making their predictions yet again, I partake once more in the enthusiastic excitement and try my hand at predicting this potential roster (this time with an extra pick since there are to be six more fighters).

Based off Fighter Pass 1, it seems character picks fit the following criteria - They are characters who either possess a unique moveset, notable lineage, fan support, marketing potential or some combination of these elements.  As such, let's go into these next predictions with these factors in mind.

A few notes / reminders before we dive into these predictions: This list is who I feel are most likely to appear based upon certain facts / criteria, not necessarily my own personal wish list.  I'll throw some honorable mentions below these likeliest candidates for my own personal picks that don't look to make the above cut, along with some prime Mii Fighters which looks to be an interesting new trend with the likes of Sans and Cuphead.  Also consider, each character is to be bundled with a stage and various music tracks.  So if a desired character looked to be lacking in one of these areas or have an uninspiring moveset, they didn't make this list.  With that in mind, let the bold predictions take a second pass at this second pass.

-1- Arle (Puyo Puyo)

Arle was not a character initially on my radar, but upon further analysis, I foresee a great deal of potential in now.  For those unfamiliar, Arle hails from the puzzle game series of Puyo Puyo, and before that a first-person dungeon crawler RPG series known as Mado Monogatari.  As such, she could possess a very unique moveset that fuses magical spells and puzzle-based Puyo attacks.  Aside being the perfect character to represent a new genre of puzzle games into the world of Smash, there are also some interesting potential signs that may indicate Smash is prepping the stage for Arle so to speak (special thanks to PapaGenos for compiling and outlining much of this evidence).  The first possible clue takes place in the SNES games available per Switch Online, specifically Puyo Puyo 2.  Both Japan and Western audiences received this game, but interestingly it remains untranslated for Western audiences.  So why choose this game for Western audiences then, especially when there are other translated Puyo Puyo re-skins like Kirby's Avalanche that could have instead been used?  It's quite possible so as to familiarize Western audiences with this character as a potential newcomer to Smash.  Further evidence also comes in the form of Sakurai's daily screenshots he's been sharing of which one is clearly referencing Arle and her bunny Carby, but such could admittedly just be a fun reference / nod.

Puyo Puyo Tower as depicted in Puyo Puyo 2.  A fitting gauntlet for Smash fighters to take battle in.

As for a potential stage, there are various locations that could serve as good candidates such as the Primp Town Magic School or Puyo Puyo Tower.  Imagine ascending a rotating tower with loads of monsters making guest appearances or if not too conflicting with Arle's moveset, a stage where Puyos fall all over the stage, stacking up to make various platforms and/or squishing players.  And of course the series has lots of catchy tunes that perfectly set the mood for riveting bouts to be had.

-2- Paper Mario

If recent rumors are to be believed, there may be a new Paper Mario game coming soon, and a return to form similar to that of Paper Mario (N64) or The Thousand-Year Door.  Sincerely hoping this to be true, I believe such improves the odds to give this well-deserved paper-thin hero a rightful invitation to smash it up.  It would serve as prime marketing for this new installment to be and Paper Mario offers such an original play style compared to that of his other Mushroom Kingdom comrades.  From his jump attacks to hammer swings, Paper Mario's combat is a clever mix of precision timed button presses and flicks of the stick.  And his paper-like aesthetics aren't just for show, as they allow for a unique mix of moves such as sideways fold dodges, paper-tube rolls, twisting hammer spins and paper airplane aerial recoveries.

Fan mock-up of some potential special moves for Paper Mario.

In the hopeful event that there is a new Paper Mario game, the stage would likely take cue from one of the new locales within this new adventure.  But if not, The Thousand-Year Door still offers many great venues in which to take battle, such as the central town / hub that is Rogueport and maybe even its winding underground labyrinth that is the Rogueport Sewers.  Paper Mario is also no stranger to catchy battle themes among other fun experimental scores.

-3- Rayman

Nintendo and Ubisoft have been on incredibly good terms with each other these past few years, with such collaborations as Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Starlink: Battle for Atlas with Star Fox.  And in the most recent reveal of Byleth, there was also the addition of two Ubisoft Mii Fighter costumes - Altair from Assassin's Creed and Rabbids.  But despite all this camaraderie, there is still no Ubisoft represented fighter among your main Smash roster.  And who better to fill this open position still than the esteemed limbless platformer that is Rayman.  With a mix of punches, kicks and plungers, he'd make for an interesting brawler with some decent recovery options less not we forget his useful propeller-like ears.

In this final boss of Big Mama, players must avoid her deadly bracelets as they slide about her attempts to shake you off.

In my previous prediction, I suggested the Glade of Dreams as an iconic and ideal stage choice.  To offer another option, The Land of the Living Dead is also quite a memorable vista for those who have reached those daring levels, especially with the boss of Big Mama.  Imagine battling atop Big Mama's arms as she shifts back and forth trying to swat the players.  Or if not satisfied with just one of these choices, have players start in the Glade of Dreams and have the stage transform part-way making the players fall into the Land of the Living Dead.  Perhaps best of all, the Rayman series has some of my favorite musical works to be found in video games, just bursting with whimsy and personality.

-4- Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)

Travis Touchdown is a wacky and radical blend of a sword swinging, wrestling assassin from the No More Heroes series.  The latest installment in the series, No More Heroes 3, poses to be a promising exclusive for the Switch that Nintendo would assuredly want to promote, not to mention both developers being close friends with each other.  With a wide array of beam katanas and quirky sensibilities such as having to shake to charge the power of the blades, Travis has the means to be a very distinct fighter.  There is also the strange omission of one cult favorite Smash mode - Coin Battle - In which the timing of release for a character who is so well known for collecting loads of coins after brutally taking down his targets would be so very fitting.  At the very least by the nature of this series' off-the-wall sense of humor, the reveal trailer for this character would assuredly break expectations and the 4th wall in the best ways possible.

Travis Touchdown showing off his incredible flexibility and wicked wrestling moves.

As with any prospective character with a new game on the horizon, the stage would likely reflect a setting from the new adventure to be.  But if not, there are many memorable locations that could be chosen from his earlier entries, such as the Destroy Stadium or perhaps even more appropriate, the No More Heroes motel.  With the craziness that ensues in this game, we could certainly expect many a cameo of other eccentric assassins to crash the scene too.  And there are plenty of funky fresh beats to be found within this series.

-5- Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

So there isn't any particular evidence to suggest Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series is coming to Smash, but I'm still steadfastly rooting for this esteemed treasure hunter.  For starters, she adds some well needed female representation to the fighting roster.  And really, there is no bigger female protagonist in the medium of gaming than Lara Croft, not to mention her extensive appeal and success into the worlds of film and comics as well.  She is a cultural icon deserving of a chance to brawl with the best of them and would carry with her a very clever moveset potential as well.  Between her dual pistols, pick axe, bow and martial arts, Lara is quite the capable and crafty fighter.  Speaking of crafty, she is known in the latest games for crafting new attributes to her weapons and arrows such as with poison gas or explosives, which could make for a very neat and unique mechanic to Smash.

T-Rex and raptors take chase in the Hidden Valley of Tomb Raider: Anniversary.

Last prediction I mentioned stage ideas such as fighting atop a teetering plane as it crashes through the many vistas of Yamatai Island.  Or for something more classic, you can go wrong with the dino-filled Hidden Valley, where players could fight atop water wheels and other contraptions as raptors and the colossal T-Rex periodically enter the scene to cause some havoc of their own.

-6- Sylux (Metroid)

Last but not least, we have the mysterious bounty hunter of Sylux from the Metroid series.  Originally appearing in Metroid Prime Hunters for the DS, it is believed he is to be a leading villain in this next installment of Metroid Prime 4 due to ending bonus cut-scenes of two other Metroid games.  Also of notable worth, all the other bounty hunters from Metroid Prime Hunters appear as spirits in Smash Ultimate other than Sylux.  Almost as if this character is destined for greater purposes.  Not to mention prime marketing (pardon the pun) for one of their most anticipated big titles for Switch.  Sylux does offer a compelling combat style of a close range blade and electrical based blasts.  And chaining together electrical bombs could setup some fun and devastating combos.

Once again, the new stage and music will likely take cue from the new installment of Metroid Prime 4.  Ideally, I'd like to see a new side of Metroid outside the lava-filled planets and desolate space stations.  I'l love for a stage with spirit and tranquility of that of Phendrana Drifts from the first Metroid Prime.  The snow gently falling amidst the floating platforms and frozen waters.  Perhaps a buried Sheegoth rises up to retaliate if disturbed, or with the occasional Space Pirate ship doing a fly-by.  And there are so many more juicy, atmospheric melodies to soak in from this universe.

Honorable Mentions

  1. Shantae - Shantae remains one of my most desired picks for an indie character to break that threshold of smaller games making a big name in the Smash arena.  And truly, her moveset is already perfect for the likes of Smash.  Between her vicious hair whips, wide arsenal of magical attacks, assorted animal transformations, and even pirate gear if representing a little of the Pirate's Curse, Shantae is ready to dish out some genie dancing justice (speaking of dancing, the perfect taunt).  Of course, the ideal stage would still be the frequently attacked port of Scuttle Town and there's no shortage of dance-inducing tunes to be had.
  2. Mog - My other returning honorable mention goes to Mog, because garsh darnit, we deserve more music and representation from the Final Fantasy series.  I choose Mog specifically as a character that offers a fair representation of the whole series, including some of the best titles found on the SNES.  There are many interesting attack styles Mog could adopt as such, from random magic dances (sort of akin to Mr. Game & Watch's flag attack), sword slashes and Chocobo dashes.  And there are so many more wonderful Final Fantasy vistas in which to battle upon, my ideals picks still being the Opera House from Final Fantasy VI or an airship (name your Final Fantasy of choice).
  3. Sora - Of course one of the other most clamored for characters to be added to Smash is none other than Sora from the Kingdom Hearts series.  Infamously known for already bridging worlds the likes of Final Fantasy and Disney, he would in many ways fit in perfectly as a character ready to take on more fantastical worlds the video industry over.  With his assortment of keyblade, magical spells, and aerial acrobatics, Sora would prove a worthy combatant.  While anything Disney would likely be withheld from use, there are enough original characters, locales and music that could fill that void.  Traverse Town, Twilight Town and Hollow Bastion are some superb backdrops just to name a few.
  4. Porky - This pick may seem a bit of a stretch, but hear me out.  Porky is a key antagonist to the Mother (Earthbound) series and yet has no representation in Smash Ultimate currently.  His boss from Brawl was not used.  And the spirit of his absolutely safe capsule has him purposefully removed in the image (suspicious).  This may be the eternal dream, but perhaps this is the year Mother 3 will finally be released to Western audiences along side Porky for Smash to celebrate.  He could have a unique moveset with his robotic spider-like vessel and assorted Porky bombs.  I'm not entirely certain on the stage as we already have a fair amount of representation, but you can never have too much groovy Earthbound melodies.
  5. Master Chief - My last honorable mention goes to the esteemed Master Chief from the Halo series.  This would certainly be a momentous pick as a key icon in the gaming medium and essentially face of Microsoft.  The only reason this is an honorable mention and not an actual prediction pick for me is I only see room for one sci-fi suited blasting soldier and Sylux seems the more likely to fit the bill.  That said, Master Chief could have a really fun arsenal of moves, from his homing Needler pistol, Sticky Gernades, Energy Sword and more.  And nothing would be more epic battling in Blood Gulch with those sweeping, rocking musical scores to accompany.

Mii Fighters

A few more honorable mentions go out in the form of some fighters I think may instead make the cut as what I call deluxe Mii Fighters.  As has been the case now with Sans and Cuphead, these characters have been presented with more accurately depicted models / representations than your standard Mii Fighter, but are still kept within the realm of the Mii Fighter movesets / hit-box sizes.  They have also been paired with an additional music track as a happy bonus.  As such, here are some characters that seem to be likely fits to continue this trend:

  1. Hollow Knight [Sword Fighter] - As one of the most highly rated indie games and Metroidvania of this generation, and the close relationship Nintendo has shown this indie darling, shadow-dropping such for Switch at E3 2018, Hollow Knight seems like a plausible pick as another indie Mii Fighter to get the deluxe treatment.  And if I can even get just one song from that superb soundtrack, it will all be worth it.
  2. Viewtiful Joe [Brawler] - Viewtiful Joe is a fun and quirky character from Capcom, but not one likely to make it as a big-time fighter within the Smash roster.  But as his proportions and fighting style are actually a pretty close fit to that of the Mii Fighter, I could see him making a fun pick to add as a brawler and gift us some of those fun accompanying tunes.
  3. Geno + Doom Slayer [Gunners] - My last picks go to Geno from Super Mario RPG and Doom Slayer from of course Doom.  While Geno is a much clamored for character, I get the feeling he'll be subjugated again to a Mii Fighter, but of higher quality model this time and paired with that infamous Geno's Woods music.  Likewise with Doom Slayer, my argument remains the same as was for Master Chief in that Sylux will likely fill the void as the chosen sci-fi macho hunter.  But I think a somewhat chibi Doom Slayer similar to that of the doll you fist-bump in the latest Doom game would both be adorable and solve the issue of toning down the violent nature of the character.  There was also that supposed "leaked" image that showed Mii Fighter costumes of both Mallow and Cacodemon.  If such were to be believed, then it should be very likely that Geno and Doom Slayer would have some kind of representation as well, if not as real fighters then probably as deluxe Mii Fighters.


And there you have it - Another Fighter's Pass, another Smash prediction to be had.  Of course, there are so many other great picks that would very well take place of the above.  Any characters you'd pick that I left off on this list?  Any ideas for other deluxe Mii Fighters to be had?  Be sure to share and discuss in the comments below!  Otherwise, let us all eagerly await these continuing reveals to come.  And happy gaming!

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