Thursday, April 16, 2020

Cucco Attack LET'S PLAY [LIVE] - Chrono Trigger

At the insistent requests of friends and my co-host on the Cucco Attack podcast, I finally dive into the acclaimed classic that is Chrono Trigger for the first time.  Also a first, my first time attempting live streams.  So prepare for very raw impressions and plenty of mistakes as we explore these new worlds together.  As of this post, we are already roughly 12 hours into the journey.  For those who've missed, not to worry - Each play session is recorded and saved on the Cucco Attack channel for your viewing pleasure at your own leisure.  If interested in viewing live and interacting via the chat, these live streams are typically scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00-9:00pm and Saturday from 2:00-5:00pm.

My early impressions of the game so far have exceeded my wildest expectations.  For a game that is 25 years old, it truly was and still is a game ahead of its time.  Such a fun and dynamic battle system.  Charming and rich animation that makes each character so endearing.  A delightful and quirky sense of humor.  And such strong and captivating story beats that string you along this epic adventure.  I now echo the sentiments of my friends - This truly is a masterpiece that should be played by all.

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