Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day - Top 5 Moms in Games

Happy Mother's Day one and all!  To celebrate all the wonderful matriarchs that helped raise and shape us into the fine figures we are today, let's have a fun look at the best (or sometimes most infamous) moms found in the world of video games.  These are my Top 5 Moms in Games:

-1- Ness's Mother (Earthbound)

With a spunky, carefree and yet still nurturing attitude, Ness's mother from Earthbound represents one of the most memorable and loving moms in the gaming medium.  When down with a bad case of homesickness, her silly, but endearing words on the phone always offer a means of reassured comfort.  And when in need of a quick rest and pick-me up, her doors are always open and ready to offer you your favorite meal before you get back on your journey.  Though she plays a small role in the grand context of the adventure, players are able to develop a recurring relationship with this character and learn the wondrous significance that comes from love and belief.

-2- Mom (Animal Crossing series)

Though a character you never physically see in the Animal Crossing series, players will occasionally receive letters from their fictional mom within the game.  The letters are often simple and silly, and may contain the occasional special gift or piece of fruit.  But there is just the right amount raw sentimentality and sincerity found in this simplicity that rings a universal truth, as if this really could be a letter from your mom.  You can't help but smile at the little jokes and feel a longing to reach back.  Powerful stuff for a few words on a postcard.

-3- Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy)

Throughout the course of several storybook narrations in the first Super Mario Galaxy, players learn the backstory of the Princess Rosalina and how she became the mother of the stars and cosmos.  It shows a love that extends beyond just family ties, but through empathy and shared experiences of loss.  Because of this incredible compassion, this innocent child bravely assumes the role of mother to these baby Lumas and ensures no star or kindred spirit should ever feel alone again.

-4- Mother Brain (Super Metroid)

These last two picks may not be the mothers to be revered for their love and kindness, but one cannot deny that Mother Brain was a force to be reckoned within the Metroid universe.  Having total command and control of the entire Space Pirate army (talk about respect), this matriarchal mastermind was calling all the shots as they sought to breed Metroids into a super-weapon and take over the galaxy.  And had outside forces not interfered, Mother Brain would have very well dominated a fight against even a fully equipped bounty hunter.  Do not take her lightly.

-5- M.O.M. (World of Goo)

While M.O.M. may just be an artificial construct designed to spam and fill your inbox with solicitation in the World of Goo, it's still nice to know that someone cares.  Even if that care is likewise artificial.  But credit where credit is due, these many hidden messages from M.O.M. still prove delightfully entertaining and develop a keen desire to eventually meet this motherly AI, making this character one of the more memorable and interesting moms found in games.


So there you have it - From loving and nurturing figureheads to tyrannical overlords, let's give these memorable mothers some well deserved recognition.  Any other iconic moms in gaming not mentioned above?  Share and discuss in the comments below.  But more importantly, make sure to give thanks to the marvelous mothers in your own life!  Stay safe and happy gaming.

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