Sunday, May 17, 2020

Cucco Attack LET'S PLAY [LIVE] - Groovy Games

While neglecting to update this blog, I've been busy updating the Cucco Attack channel with many game streams and new podcast episodes.  So I'll be sharing several across the blog this week for those who may have otherwise not tuned in.  And look forward to my final thoughts and impressions in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons review in the near future.

Per this particular game stream, I reflect on the therapeutic values music can possess and thus share a collection of some of my favorite musical video games: Sayonara Wild Hearts, Bit.Trip Flux and Hohokum.  As an added bonus, we end the stream with a brief concert from the infamous K.K. Slider in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Any particular groovy games you'd like to see more of?  Be sure to share and discuss in the comments below.  And stay tuned for more game streams and content to come.  Otherwise, enjoy the grooves and happy gaming.

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