Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tabletop Tuesday - Quarto!

Welcome to another edition of Tabletop Tuesday - Your weekly exploration into games of dice, cards, luck and more of the Tabletop world.

This week's game...the complex game of tic-tac-toe with shapes, sizes, and holes that is Quarto!

Players: 2
Time: 10-20 minutes
Genre: Strategy

Quarto is a very straightforward game to learn, but difficult to master.  It is unique in that both players share their available moves from a collective pool of pieces.  With a 4x4 square grid, and 16 available pieces to choose from, players take turns selecting pieces for their opponents to place onto the board until one player gets four in a row of matching traits (straight or diagonally), or if there should be no more spaces left (ending the game in a draw).  Every piece has a unique combination of the following four traits: height (tall or short), color (light or dark), shape (square or round), and top (solid or hollow).  In this way, sequences can be made in all sorts of manners and must be carefully observed so as not to set the other player up for an unintended victory.

In this scenario, one player just won by completing a row of all square pieces.

If you read carefully above, you do not get to select your own pieces to be placed.  Instead, your opponent selects your pieces, just as you select pieces for your opponent to place.  This drastically changes the required way of thinking, for as the pool of available pieces dwindles, you may be left with little choice but to hand over a winning piece.  It takes thoughtful consideration and a certain amount of foresight to prevent and/or set yourself up in such a scenario.  I recommend this game for those who enjoy calculated thought or are just looking for a quick play.

If you have any questions about Quarto, let me know in the comments.  Otherwise, stay tuned for future installments of Tabletop Tuesday.  And happy gaming!

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