Saturday, November 18, 2017

Video Game Music for the Holidays - Volume I

Festive decorations have begun to sprung up, store displays have long since already switched out their stock, and there's no escaping the the jolly jingles that is all around us.  The holidays are upon us.  As is a yearly tradition among my friends and family these past 5 years, I compile a collection of music from video games that fit the vibe of the holidays.  I do this for two reasons: A) It makes a unique gift of music they would likely otherwise not already own, and B) I hope to elevate an awareness and appreciation of video games as an art form.

Now that I have started this gaming blog, I'd love to extend the same thanks and cheer through this new channel towards all of you.  So stay tuned each week as I upload a past collection of tunes for your listening pleasure, all leading up to the release of this year's Holiday Ambience: 2017 Edition.

For this week's debut volume, I looked to present music that was both familiar and highly acclaimed in the game industry.  For this reason, there are four tracks from perhaps what is the most widely recognized gaming icon that is Super Mario, showing the growth of the series and how it can be more than bleeps and bloops.  There are also musical works from noted games such as Civilization IV and Journey.  Civilization IV's "Baba Yetu" song is the only score composed for a game to win a Grammy, and Journey being the only whole game soundtrack to have been nominated for a Grammy (though sadly didn't win).

Go to the playlist on YouTube for time stamps to jump to desired tracks, and for links to support some of these many talented artists.  If you have a particular favorite track or other notable music from games you wish to share, please comment and discuss below!  Thanks and happy humming!

Fun Fact: "Baba Yetu" means "Our Father", to which the lyrics of the song are a Swahili language-translation of the Lord's Prayer.  This makes it surprisingly apt for holiday music, even if it were composed for a game.

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